VAS artist demo and membership meeting with Marni Maree

The Vienna Arts Society welcomes the public to free-of-charge virtual artist demonstrations the second Thursday of each month.

Marni Maree presented a demo about painting on Yupo on June 9th. She covered the special properties of Yupo and the exciting possibilities of painting on this surface.

Marni has been drawing for as long as she can remember. “I drew on anything I was allowed to and sometimes on things I was not!” Her vibrant watercolors represent her love for drawing and desire to find beauty in everything around her. Marni never travels without her sketchbook and mini painting supplies and is always ready to capture the spirit of the various cultures. She loves to teach as much as she loves to paint. She is teaching almost exclusively online now. This gives her more time to paint as well as teach students from all over the world.

More about Marni here:

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