Judged Show at Green Spring Gardens


“Turning a New Leaf”

The Vienna Arts Society presented “Turning a New Leaf” at Green Spring Gardens in Alexandria, VA, from January 11-March 6, 2021. This show, with themes of horticulture, flora and fauna, was a feast for the eye and especially striking during the winter months. The garden is also a wonderful place to walk at any time of year. The exhibition was presented at the Horticultural Center with the support of the Friends of Green Spring Gardens.

This was a judged show and our winners are listed here.This year, for the first time, the First Place Award was also titled the Harris Miller Memorial Award, in memory of a beloved long-term member of VAS.

First Place & Harris Miller Memorial Award: Noreen Burnini, Peony at First Light 2


Second Place: Pat Deege, Angel Oak


  1. First Place & Harris Miller Memorial Award:  Noreen Burnini, Peony at First Light 2
  2. Second Place: Pat Deege, Angel Oak
  3. Third Place: Jodi Condes, Time for a Break

Honorable Mention:

  • Todd Burger, Meadowlark Blossoms
  • Leo Deege, Chin Ridge
  • Lynn Fulling, Crow in the Garden
  • Betty Ganley, Summer Shadows
  • Shari MacFarlane, Toward Tomorrow
  • Carolyn Modugno, Sisters
  • Sandy Olszowy, Sproutlings