Terry Svat Headlined VAS Membership Meeting on Feb 13, from 7-8:30

The public was invited to meet nationally acclaimed artist Terry Svat, who described several forms of printmaking. She’ll show us some of her award-winning prints as well as the plates used to create them. Participants had the opportunity to create a print using modest engraving tools and then assembled a book of these prints for display.

Learn more about Terry at her website – www.terrysvatprintmaker.com

and on instagram @terrysvat

The Vienna Arts Society’s membership meetings are free of charge and open to the public. Please join us on Feb 13th from 7-8:30 at the VAS art center in the Windover Professional Building at 243 Church St NW, Suite 100LL in Vienna, VA. Call the Arts Society at (703) 319-3971 for further information.