Patricia Deege
Born in Singapore, grew up in England and loved photography from an early age– Patricia began serious work in this medium after retirement. A member of several area clubs dedicated to the arts, Vienna Photographic Society, Northern Virginia Photographic Society, League of Reston Artists, the Art League and Vienna Arts Society; Patricia’s work has received many awards, has been juried into countless exhibits and published in magazines such as Outdoor Photographer, Parade Magazine and Wild and Wonderful West Virginia.
Her first love is nature photography but any subject is worthy of interest and she rarely leaves home without a camera. The camera, and especially the digital medium, opens a fascinating arena of sights and experiences. Sharing those experiences—to hopefully gladden the heart and uplift the spirit of those who view her photography– makes all the hard work and effort worthwhile.

“Badlands Panorama”, 24” x 12”, $225

“Blue Poppies”, 16” x 20”, $150

“Footsteps in the Dunes”, 16” x 20”, $150

“Lotus with Visitors”, 16 x 20, $150

“Meadowlark Lake Shore”, 16” x 20”, $150

“Painted Water”, 16” x 20”, $150