Emilse Wolff has served as our SignUp system coordinator for the past several years. She ensures that our member volunteers can easily sign up to sit at our Art Center during operational hours and monitors our calendar to ensure that someone is always there to welcome visitors. We are so grateful for her contribution (and for her sunny smile!).
Emilse Wolff
I discovered my love for art during my college years, when I took elective drawing courses at the University of Puerto Rico. Upon graduation I moved to the U.S., got married and raised four children. Work and family commitments kept me from pursuing further art work.It was when I retired from working for Fairfax County Social Services that I started to attend classes with local artists, which include Lynn Goldstein, Patricia McMahen Rice, Kay Witt, Arnold Lopes and Jennifer Schoechle that I really began to do pastel paintings. I also attended several workshops with well known pastelists such as Stan Sperlac, Rita Kirkman, and Alain Picard. I have great respect and admiration for all of them!My love of art centers in Pastel painting. I love to explore all of the artistic possibilities that this unique medium can offer. It is very inspiring, spontaneous and relaxing. The full range of pastel colors remains beautiful and vibrant and it offers a great variety of hues and values. I enjoy painting portraits, landscapes, flowers, sunsets and animals.I have been a member of the Vienna Art Society for several years. It has been a wonderful experience where great friends meet, share and enjoy art together!