This month’s spotlight is on John Doherty. John has been married for 49 years to VAS member Yoshiko Doherty, and while he’s not a “formal” member of VAS, John is […]
This month’s spotlight is on Tsoying Madeleine Chen AND her wonderful son Dave. In addition to being a wonderful artist, Madeleine and her son have helped to hang and takedown […]
Emilse Wolff has served as our SignUp system coordinator for the past several years. She ensures that our member volunteers can easily sign up to sit at our Art Center […]
After 9 years overseas in three different countries, I returned to Virginia with my family in 2014. I have been a member of Vienna Arts Society since my return to […]
Have you ever wondered what makes an artist? It’s a question people have asked for years. As for me, my simple answer is, an artist is a person who looks […]